Thursday, June 30, 2011


Today a little off the general outline for my blog...but hey it's my blog, right?  I LOVE Butterflies!!! and I want to tell you know how when you are going through tough times you look for any little sign that God is there walking it with you...well that's when God gave me a sign, Butterflies!  He opened my eyes to the similarities between me (us as Christians) and butterflies. 

We can crawl around in the dirt and filth of this world, always struggling, or we can let him wrap us up in His love, like a cocoon.  Do you know how butterflies get there beautiful colors? While they are wrapped up in their cocoons they consume there waste and their body transforms what was eaten and discarded as worthless into beauty. 

When we accept Christ as our Lord, Savior and King we do the same thing; he wraps us up in His love and takes the "crap" that we have in our lives and the mistakes we have made and turns them into something beautiful...FOR HIS GLORY, not ours... every time you see a butterfly stop and say a prayer of thanksgiving that like that butterfly you have been given a change to change from something ugly and unworthy into something chosen and precious that has the opportunity to bring glory to our savior through your beautiful transformation into a "little Christ", after all that is what "Christian" means.....

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